About Us
Academic And Examination Board

Ms. Nancy Tandela Chairperson

Ms. Renu Kumar Member

Mr. Vasudavan Govindasamy Member
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely express our gratitude to Ms. Andrea Mayrhofer and Mr. Bimal Rai, for their valuable contributions during their tenure as the College’s Academic and Examination Board members. As pioneer members, they provided feedback to enhance and strengthen policies pertaining to the academic and examination aspects. With their two-year term ended on 31st June 2013 as the Academic and Examination Board members, we would like to wish them the best for their future endeavours.
At the same time, the Academic and Examination Board welcomes Ms. Renu Kumar and Mr. Vasudavan Govindasamy as its members for a two-year tenure, with effect from 1st July 2013. The College appreciates and looks forward to their respected opinions in further improving academic quality and examination policies.
Academic and Examination Board
With an office term of two years, the Academic and Examination Board is tasked by the College for the following:
Ensuring academic integrity, quality and standards set are met;
Establishing and reviewing of courses’ curriculum;
Recruiting and evaluating programmes and lecturers to meet the criteria set by both Council for Private Education (CPE), Singapore, and College of Allied Educators; and,
Developing, implementing and monitoring of assessment methods and examination policies and procedures are consistent and fair.